Nika Radić

Related works: Doors and Windows, Other Peoples Windows, My Daily Room, At Home, Gallery Cleaning, Private Viev, Three Windows, Vernissage, Whodunnit


Out of Place

2010, gallery installation consisting of photographs, video projections and furniture

We still very often perceive a gallery as a white cube, even if it never is. There are always other objects in a gallery space: lamps, plugs, information leaflets etc. and we usually try to ignore them and concentrate only on the art that is exhibited there. Here, all this distractions were included in the installation that was in fact an exhibition of photographs and videos. Since the gallery Traversee in Munich was a private commercial gallery, intending to sell works to collectors, mostly private, the space was redesigned into a mock living space. Thus an environment was created, from the start, similar to the sort of spaces the works might eventually end up in. For this purpose my mother Anela Djukan, an architect, made a plan to rebuild the gallery spaces into an apartment and a custom made carpet with writings from an earlier video was added.

Nika Radic, Out of Place1

Nika Radic Out of Place2 Nika Radic Out of Place3